Hey It's Meg! Will You Come Join Me This Saturday?


Most everyone knows about my Brain Tumor that I had removed.

I am one of the lucky ones, mine was in a spot where it was "easy" to remove, and it was benign.

There are so many other people who have brain tumors who don't get the positive diagnosis that I did, and did you know there are currently only 5 different ways to treat brain tumors?

Please come join me this Saturday for the National Brain Tumor Society's 5th annual Charlotte Brain Tumor Race.It is happening at Romare Bearden Park and registration starts at 7am

NBTS Donate to Meg's Team By Clicking This Picture!

We have a big goal to hit this year, and really could use your help in reaching it!

I will be emceeing the event, and have to tell you just how incredible it is to hear the stories of other survivors, meet people who are fighting the fight, and to be able to hug the loved ones of those who's family members have lost their lives because of brain tumors.

Before being diagnosed with my tumor, I really hadn't heard about many people having brain tumors, but since my diagnosis, I am finding out that they are more common than anyone realizes.

Currently, nearly 700,000 people are living with brain tumors across the United States. Another 79,000 will be diagnosed this year and nearly 17,000 people will die.

These numbers shocked me when I first saw them, and they are very real...

If you can be there on Saturday that would be awesome, and if you find that your schedule won't allow it... I understand we are all busy, but maybe you could make a donation?

You can donate to my team by clicking the photo below! 

Any amount helps and is greatly appreciated.I really hope to see you this Saturday! xoxoxo Meg 

Donate to my team by clicking this pic!

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