Jesse James Decker recently posted beautiful bikini pics on social media and by the look of the picture it's hard to believe that she's a Mom of 3 AND a Mom who just gave birth 7 months ago. The caption on her Instagram says,"I will admit I was anxious about having a bikini shoot after just having a baby and maybe I even cried a little from being so nervous and worried people would say not nice things, "But I woke up feeling ok about it today, because I want to show other mamas that we can do it." When I read her caption my heart broke a little.
Creating life is a beautiful blessing!! During those 9 months your body goes through a major transformation. You gain weight, you get stretch marks, your hair even starts to fall out. Lets not leave out the fact that you still LOOK pregnant weeks after the baby arrives!!! But even with all the negatives, creating life is a BEAUTIFUL thing!!!! Our society puts such unrealistic pressure on women to look a certain way right after giving birth. It took 9 months to gain the weight, it'll be a process to shed it and THAT IS OK!!!
Jesse James Decker looks amazing BUT you also look amazing if you haven't lost your baby weight, if your hair is looking thinner than normal, rocking bags under your eyes and stretch marks on your thighs . Be proud of yourself, you are a super-hero, YOU CREATED LIFE!! Enjoy these precious moments with your baby, and be confident in the skin you're in!
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