Watch: class surprises teacher with tickets to Hamilton

Mr. Corby is a history teacher that is so loved by his students that they got together and surprised him with tickets to the hit Broadway musical "Hamilton." As explained in a tweet by one of his students named Hanna, Mr. Corby had entered the Hamilton lottery every day for a few years to try and get tickets. He had no luck in getting the tickets, so the students in his class pitched in and surprised him with tickets to the show! As mentioned in the video, they even cleared the date with his wife!

This video will absolutely make your heart smile! And as if that's not enough, the folks at Hamilton have caught on to this and have offered him a backstage tour as well, and he even got a response from the star of the show Lin-Manuel Miranda!

Kudos to the students for being so kind to do this for Mr. Corby, and kudos to Mr. Corby for being such an amazing teacher that the students planned this surprise for him. I love to see good in the world, and this is beyond good!

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