Arnold Schwarzenegger responded with humor after getting kicked in the back at an event in South Africa on Saturday. In the video, Schwarzenegger is holding a phone filming a jump-rope competition at a sporting event called the Arnold Classic Africa. Just as he hands the phone off to someone else (about :53 into the video) a guy sprints up from behind and ninja kicks Schwarzengger in the back, the 71-year-old actor turned around confused. The punk gets swiftly taken down by security and taken out.
Wouldn't it have been great it Schwarzenegger turned around and shouted "Hasta La Vista, Baby" as they carried him out. Clearly the guy didn't have the guts to do a face to face kick because he knows that he wouldn't have been so lucky.
According to Arnold's Twitter, he will not be pressing charges and his hope is that the guy causing the disruption gets his life in order.