I was scrolling thru Facebook and Instagram last night before going to bed, and came across a "Breaking" news story that Barbara Bush had passed away.
This is something that people are going to want to know about, so I immediately started to research the article from "CNN," and a few red flags popped up right away!
First of all, it reported that the former First Lady had passed on Sunday night... wait what? Sunday night the reports were that she was still very much alive... So I went to another news source page to see if they were reporting it.... Nope, ok, let's check google... nope, nothing there either.
This is sounding more and more like a hoax, so I went and checked the "CNN" link again... I went directly to CNN.com, and guess what? They weren't reporting it at all. Just shows you that once again you never should believe "Everything" you read on the internet, and that not all links really lead to the website they say they will!
Oh, and by the way, Barbara Bush may be in her final days, but she has not passed away. I took a screenshot of the article in case it was a bad site too.... Take a look! Ugh. Happy Tuesday!
Yesterday Jenna Bush stopped by the Today Show and spoke to them about her Grandmother's current health status...