This just makes my blood boil. A family returning for a vacation in Hawaii was forced to get off a plane home because they refused to give up the seat THE PAID FOR!!! Delta overbooked the flight and told them if they didn't give up the seat they purchased for their toddler, they would be arrested. Now let's think about this for a minute ... Delta sold this family the ticket, then they overbooked the flight, so they are in the wrong here, right? Now obviously the family got off the plane and Delta apologized, and agreed to cover the extra cost of everything, but at what point does stuff like this stop happening? You know that Delta saw a change to gauge someone on that seat at the last minute for a lot more money and decided to bully this family into giving up the seat THEY BOUGHT, just so they could make a few extra dollars. I'm not one for stupid law suits, but I hope these people sue them and the flight attendant who told them they would go to jail. If you want to get as worked up as I am, read the full story HERE