I love to follow certain hashtags on Twitter. Some of them can be really entertaining. This morning I was playing around and noticed a trending hashtag of "#ProblemsIDidntHave20YearsAgo." Hmm... interesting. So I clicked. Some were dumb. Some were political (BLAH!). But some were funny and creative. Here are some of the best ones...
Casey note on that last one... yes. Yes it does. Ouch. haha
Even "God" got in on the fun...
Touche'!!! That last one is pretty accurate.
(^That's REALLY funny!^)
I miss videos too. But I guess the "M" in MTV is now "miscellaneous."
Yeah, adulting can be a pain sometimes...
Me too! Now it's like "did I step on bubble wrap? Oh, never mind... it's just my knees..."
And this last one? This speaks to me...