Artist flings McDonald's pickle on ceiling, prices "art" over $6,000

I'm not much of a follower of art, but every so often, I see a piece of art with a crazy price tag and I can't help but be intrigued.

For instance, take artist Matthew Griffin. Griffin took a pickle off of his McDonald's burger and flung it on to the ceiling at an art gallery in Auckland, New Zealand. The pickle stuck to the ceiling with nothing but the sauces on it from the burger, Griffin decided it was "art," named the art "Pickle," and gave it a price tag of $10,000 New Zealand Dollars (that's about $6,275 American dollars). Whoever the buyer is won't get the actual pickle. Instead, they'll be given a set of instructions on "how to recreate the art in their own space." The buyer also has the option of spending an extra $4.44 New Zealand Dollars ($2.80 American) if they'd like the actual burger that "Pickle" came from.

For real??? I mean... I'd be MORE than happy to recreate the same piece of "art" for a fraction of the price! How does $100 American dollars sound? I'll even throw in the original burger! Interested buyers only though :)

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