Aren't dogs the best?
When I first saw this video, I related to it so much. I have a Yorkie named Stewie, who is actually my second Yorkie. My first was Maverick, and both Maverick and Stewie excelled at being phenomenal watchdogs. If someone rang the doorbell or so much as walked down the street- even if a leaf blew through the backyard- I sure knew about it! It has been my experience that most little dogs don't know they're little because their personality is just so big.
Squirt and Mei Mei are no different. A brown bear walked into their California home. First the bear checked things out on the patio, but when he saw an open door to the kitchen, he went ahead and ventured through. Squirt and Mei Mei were not having ANY of it though, and they fearlessly chased that bear right out of the house and off the property. No human would've done that, but terriers? Yep! They'll do anything to watch over and protect their humans.
Aren't dogs the best?