Fort Mill Mom Raises Funds To Have St. Jude Lobby Named In Son's Honor

Carter's Mom, that's who Sarah Bucciero is to me. I met Sarah two years ago during my first St. Jude Radiothon with 96.9 The Kat. Sarah brings a radiant light into every room she walks in. It's as if love streams from her pours and into the souls of everyone she encounters. As Sarah shared her personal St. Jude story and spoke of her son Carter, tears began streaming down my face.

When Carter was 2.5-years-old, they discovered an astrocytoma brain tumor that was malignant and inoperable. The family was invited to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis to take part in a chemotherapy protocol. As Sarah talked about Carter, one thing was evident, Carter was an extremely special little boy. Magical things would happen when he was around, so much so, they began crediting these special moments to Carter's "pixie dust." St. Jude tried every thing they could but sadly Carter lost the fight at three years old.

I never had the honor to meet Carter, but thanks to Sarah, I feel like I know him personally. And just like his Mom, it's clear that he also was a beacon of light that lit up every room he entered.

Two years ago Sarah was actively fundraising to have a floor lobby at St. Jude's named in honor of Carter. Well friends, not only is there now a lobby named after Carter Bucciero, but the 5th floor lobby named in his honor overlooks the most beautiful sequin park mural... which goes hand in hand with Carter's magical pixie dust. It's PERFECT!

Picture Credit: Sarah Bucciero / St. Jude

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