Kings Mtn. Couple Camp Outside Of Hospital Waiting On Birth Of Grandbaby

Grandparents Marty and Shawn Lockridge: Photo Credit: Grandparents Marty Lockridge

While Covid has been able to hinder a lot of things, the love and support for a new grandbaby wouldn't be among them. Grandparents Marty and Shawn Lockridge, unable to enter the hospital room at Gaston Memorial Hospital in Gastonia, instead set up a picnic blanket and camped outside on the hospital lawn just outside of the room where their new granddaughter was born.

Proud parents, Marty and Marista Lockridge welcomed their beautiful baby girl Eloise Jane Lockridge into the world on October 19th at 1:18pm. This sweet precious baby may have entered this world under very unusual circumstances but with the support surrounding her, she'll be unstoppable. Congratulations to the entire Lockridge family, thank you for sharing this special moment with us.

 Eloise Jane Lockridge; Photo Credit:  Marty and Marista Lockridge
Photo Credit:  Marty and Marista Lockridge

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