Earlier this week, Paul and I talked about the World's Hottest Mom whose pictures became a viral sensation thanks to her youthful appearance. See HERE. When Jill Smith of Charlotte heard about this hot Mom, she had something of her own to say. She wants you to know that she's America's hottest Grandma. We asked Jill to send us some pictures and.... I think Jill's right!! She is beautiful, hot, stunning and we agree she is a hot grandma!!! What's her secret? Jill credits a whole food diet, only eating a few carbs and drinking lots of water. She stays very active with yoga and paddle boarding and takes care of her skin with a morning and night regimen. Another thing she credits is keeping a positive mindset and surrounding herself with positive people. She makes it sound easy but we all know how much work it takes to look so great!! Jill has two daughters and one granddaughter that is her pride and joy! Want to get to know Jill better? Follow her on Instagram at Jill.Im50andfab. Check out her gallery of hit pics below.
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