Chicken Daddies Are Taking Over The Internet!

If you don't have a chicken, you're really missing out! The BEST trend is taking over social media, Chicken Daddies, and I love it! What is a chicken daddy? Well, I guess it's just men who really love their chickens! The pictures are hilarious! I'm trying to convince Paul Schadt and Producer Geof to take pictures like this with my chickens!

Yes, I have chickens!!! Two of them! Their names are Giraffe and Pig ... my 5 year old son Bear named them. They're lots of fun. My husband and I recently painted their toenails. If you missed it, check it out below! AND if you want your man to get his "Chicken Daddy" picture taken, you are more than welcome to come over and pose with my two beauties! LOL

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