North Carolina Governor Announces Phase 2 to Begin Friday, May 22nd

A "safer at home order" begins 5pm Friday, May 22nd.

"Some businesses & places will remain closed in Phase 2 including: bars; night clubs; gyms and indoor fitness facilities; indoor entertainment venues such as movie theaters, bowling alleys; and public playgrounds. This is because the spread of COVID-19 can be significant there," the governor said. "Certain businesses will be open at limited capacity with other requirements. Restaurants can re-open for dine-in customers at mostly a 50% capacity, with distancing and cleaning requirements.Personal care businesses like salons and barbers can also re-open at 50% capacity. These businesses will have face covering and cleaning requirements while also reducing the number of people in the waiting areas. Swimming pools will be able to open at 50% capacity, and overnight & day camps can open with safety rules. Childcare facilities remain open and are now able to enroll all children. I want to thank our childcare centers that have been open and providing this critical service."

Watch the governor's live press conference here:

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