Hopefully you know of Caylee Hammack from her really fun debut song "Family Tree," which got Caylee featured as an iHeartCountry On The Verge artist. Late last week, Caylee released a brand new song that is completely different than "Family Tree," but is a great song nonetheless.
In fact, this song gave me HUGE goosebumps and I bet you'll get them too! The song is called "Small Town Hypocrite," and tells the story of lost love. Caylee was inspired to write the song about a boy in Georgia who broke her heart, and when you listen to this song, you can hear the pain in her voice. What an AMAZING song and an AMAZING performance on Caylee's part!
I do want to warn you that this song may be NSFW... it has the "s" word that rhymes with "hit" in it! But now that you know that, give this incredible song a listen...