LSU Fan starts Go Fund Me to buy Clemson new mascot

Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you probably know that there was a College Football National Championship game last night between Clemson and LSU. LSU won 42-25.

Both schools have a mascot of a Tiger, so as you can imagine, there was some good-natured Tiger versus Tiger fun going into the game. But in my opinion, one of the funniest things was an LSU fan not only making fun of the Clemson Tiger's mascot, but going as far as to start a Go Fund Me account to help get Clemson a better mascot outfit. The Go Fund Me description reads "After turning on the national championship game on Monday the 13th I thought bad for The Clemson Tiger. It seems that the University purchased their mascot costume from the clearance rack from TG&Y in 1981. All proceeds will be mailed to the Clemson University Athletic Department at the conclusion of the fundraiser. GO LSU!!!" You can see... or even donate to... the Go Fund Me at this link.

The Go Fund Me-starter might have a point. Here is the Clemson Tiger, as posted on their Instagram yesterday

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