Give to St. Jude

There is nowhere more important than St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. I have personally visited the hospital several times, and I wish everyone could visit. I wish you could see the facilities, the kids, the way they operate. Everything about it is truly amazing. No family ever sees a bill for a child being treated at St. Jude because all a family should focus on is helping their child live. They shouldn't have to worry about how to pay for treatment and the various costs that go with it, and at St. Jude, there IS no paying for treatment. There's no paying for travel, meals, expenses... it's all taken care of through donors to take that burden off of the family.

At St. Jude, they are saving lives daily through ground breaking research and studies. And the doctors and scientists don't keep it to themselves... they freely share their findings to save lives world wide. When St. Jude first opened in 1962, the survival rate was less than one in five. To date, St. Jude's survival rate is 4 out of 5...and that's GREAT progress! But 4 out of 5 means that 20% of the kids sadly don't make it. That is just not OK, and thankfully St. Jude will not stop until no child dies of cancer. But they need your help.

We are about to close out a year and a decade, and before we do, how about you get that last tax deduction in and become a Partner In Hope. It's not to late to pledge $20 a month and get your "This Shirt Saves Lives" t-shirt like all of your favorite Country stars and all of us here at the radio station proudly wear. Here is a link. Let's all become Partners In Hope to help these kids have a Happy 2020...and beyond! And most important, let's help St. Jude find cures and save lives!

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