Chris Pullen of Kings Mountain had a busy weekend, he hung over 400 letters thanking Veterans for their service. Pullen started Concerned Veterans Coalition , a group that helps veterans with loneliness and PTSD. Veterans and their families come together to do woodwork projects and tell their stories. See an example of the woodwork below.
It's beautiful to see Pullen's vision come to life. He collected over 400 letters from local kids thanking veterans for their service. Many of the letters came from Pleasant Ridge Elementary and North Brook Elementary. You'll see the letters hanging up in local businesses in Cleveland and Gaston County. A few locations you can see the letters:
Kings Mountain Locations:
Loves Fishbox, Blackwoods, Farmers Furniture, VFW and American Legion
Gaston County Locations:
Grandma Hoyt's Country Buffet in Bessemer City and Captains Cap
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