Alright, Alright, Alright! Matthew McConaughey Is Officially On Instagram

Can you believe it took him 50 whole years before he took the plunge and joined Instagram? That's right, Matthew McConaughey celebrated his 50th Birthday by officially becoming an Instagram user ya'll! In his introduction video he said, " “When people come to my page, I want them to see me. Look, this is my first venture into sharing myself and my views with the world and I’m a little nervous about it. Because quite frankly, I know I want to have the monologue, not sure I want to have the dialogue. But I’ve learned that you have to have the monologue to have dialogue, just as you have to have the dialogue to have the monologue, so I’m looking forward to it.”

“I’m looking forward to sharing who I am with you. I’m looking forward to seeing if who I am translates. If it tickles your funny bone. If it makes you think for a second. If it makes your heart swell up. If it makes you take a quiet moment and go for a walk and check in with the M and the E. Hopefully all of those things. Let’s have some fun with it.”

“Let’s keep the high eye – not the low eye. The high eye.”

If you want to follow all the fun, go to Instagram and search @officiallymatthewmcconaughey

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