In 2010 Michael and Kristine Barnett adopted a young 6-year-old girl named Natalia; they were told she had a rare form of dwarfism and was from the Ukraine. Not long after the adoption, the Barnetts questioned Natalia's age. Her advanced vocabulary and some physical maturity created their curiosity. Not too long after the adoption the couple experienced extreme warning signs that made them fear for their life. According to Michael, Natalia attempted to kill Kristine multiple times and she also admitted she wanted them dead. The couple later had Natalia's age adjusted on her birth certificate from 2003 to 1989. The couple feared for their safety and for the safety of their other children so they packed up their things and moved to Canada but left Natalia behind. The couple prepaid rent on her apartment and signed her up for social welfare programs, according to Michael. They believed she was fully capable to taking care of herself. Natalia went to police and reported that she had been "left alone" for a year by her adoptive parents. The two parents have been charged with two counts of felony abandonment based on Natalia's statement. The couple will head to trial January, 2020 and for now Natalia is living with another family who are raising her as the original age on her birth certificate.