Jed Wyatt's dog food jingle

So here we are, the day of the finale of The Bachelorette. I have tried SO HARD to avoid spoilers this season- and don't worry, there are none in here!- but I keep running into them. And then I hear that the spoiler I heard was wrong. And then I hear it was right after all. Nope, it's wrong! And now even ABC is acknowledging that there are tons of wrong spoilers floating around. I guess we'll all find out for sure tonight... and frankly, I'm hoping that NOTHING that I inadvertently heard was true!

But one thing is for sure... last night, Hannah sent Peter home. I gotta admit, I'm pretty sad about it. He was my favorite! And did you see them together in the live portion of last night's show? Hmmm... there was chemistry... maybe they got together after the show's taping ended and we'll find that out tonight? We can only hope...

But last night, Hannah's two remaining men Tyler and Jed got to meet her family. At one point Jed mentioned that he had written a dog food jingle. And luckily there is this thing called "the internet" which made it REALLY easy to track down his jingle! Wanna hear it? Here ya go!

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