Hannah Brown Cancels Engagement With Jed And Asks Tyler Out On A Date!!

I can NOT believe Hannah Brown sent Tyler home and chose JED to be the person she spends the rest of her life with. My heart breaks for her. The entire world could see that he was only there to further his music career, even his own family basically told Hannah to run. I guess the saying proves to be true.... people seem to want what they can't have. The harder people pushed to make her not chose Jed backfired and she ran straight into his arms.

When Jed showed up to the alter and had a guitar in his hand!!!! YA'LL .... what a loser!! For once he had an opportunity to just tell her how he feels and put his career on the back burner for 5 seconds.

And then to find out that Jed had a girlfriend the whole time but he claims it wasn't serious. SHE MET HIS PARENTS AND HER PARENTS BOUGHT HIM A TRIP TO THE BAHAMAS. Are you kidding me? He is selfish and couldn't even fake how much he doesn't care about Hannah.

When Hannah saw Tyler for the first time since the engagement, the feelings were all still there. You could just see their chemistry and to hear how Tyler still talks about her made all of our hearts melt. When Hannah asked Tyler on a DATE and he said YES everything was once again right in the world!! YAY! I'm so so so happy with the ending. It may not be what she expected but she never gave up and I truly she has now find her happily ever after!

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