Sarah Lee's "Mermaid" Bright Pink Hair

Paul keeps talking about my "fire" hair. My son Bear calls my new hair color "spicy!" It may look red but it's actually bright pink!!! (Hello, Frenchy!) So... here's the story of my bright pink hair...

Did you know that your actions due to lack of sleep is equivalent to someone under the influence of alcohol? It's true! Read more about that HERE.

This week has been an extremely busy week for me and unfortunately those wonderful afternoon naps that energize my soul were non-existent. In my sleep deprived state I did this thing... I colored my hair!!!! I didn't just "color" my hair, I drastically colored my hair. For the friends who've known me awhile, they're like "Lee's back" but for those who are just getting to know me they are probably shocked beyond measure. SOOOO... Thursday afternoon I went to see my sister who is my absolute favorite hair stylist. She's been doing hair for years and she's the only one who has ever understood my hair. As I sat in her salon chair I told her that I wanted something different. I wanted unicorn / mermaid hair. I'm headed to an event with my son Bear in Orlando, Florida next weekend and I wanted something fun and vibrant. Something to match my energy... I was tired of boring hair. Well... she delivered!!! (Can I just add that I LOVE the fact that she gave me what I wanted because so many stylist will try and talk you out of your vision)

As she was putting the pink in my hair.... she said "you'll definitely see this color." She was right! The color isn't permanent so after a few washes it will tone down but for now I'm gonna have fun with this bright pink hair!!! No, I probably wouldn't have been this brave had I not been so exhausted but I'm glad I did it! We live in a world that's harshly critical, judgmental and opinionated. Many times in life I let the fear of what others would think of me determine the course of my actions. My word for 2019 was/is fearless. I wanted to push myself outside of my comfort zone and LIVE a little... cheers to bright pink hair!


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