What a season of The Bachelorette this has been, especially with the Luke P drama. The guys seemed to dislike him from the beginning, but for whatever reason, Hannah kept him around. Either way, Luke finally got sent home last week in a blaze of glory... and by "blaze of glory," I mean Hannah's middle finger blazing at him. I mean, come on... admit it... when Hannah said what she said to him about the Jesus and flipped him off on the way out, you were cheering at your TV, weren't you? I know I was!
The previews show Luke P coming back and interrupting the rose ceremony and Hannah asking him to leave. When he doesn't leave, the remaining guys swarm him, chests puffed out, and I'm sure there was the smell of testosterone in the air. Chris Harrison was asked by ET's Lauren Zima if things got physical. Check out the video below for Chris's take on that and a few other things.
Either way, I cannot wait to see how this all plays out tonight, and double cannot wait to see Men Tell All. Referring to Luke, Chris said "she cut that guy off at the knees. I was so proud of her." This is gonna be a good one!!!

And did you see the Men Tell All sneak peak this morning during Good Morning America? Here ya go!!...