Bachelorette contestant's family harassed, contestant asks for it to stop

If you watch The Bachelorette, you certainly have an opinion on Jed Wyatt! Jed admitted to Hannah early in the season that he went on the show to further his music career but then was actually falling for her... and week after week, we certainly see that Hannah is falling for Jed too. Meanwhile in the real world, we've heard Jed's pre-show girlfriend speak up about what he told her before going on the show and how he didn't get in contact after he returned.

So yeah, people have an opinion on Jed... so much, in fact, that his family is being harassed. In a plea on social media, Jed posted "Hi y’all. Several of you have reached out with messages and questions. Please know I’m not able to answer right now, but as soon as I’m able to, I will. •Until then, I ask that you please understand how much the actions being taken towards myself, my family, the men on the show, and above all, Hannah, are affecting all of our mental and physical health. •It goes beyond what is said online. Threatening letters and phone calls have been sent to our homes. My parents and sister are being verbally attacked in public. I beg you to remember what seems like a harmless action is damaging to real people. •I want to thank all of you who have reached out or reserved judgement until I am able to speak openly and I can only ask for your patience and kindness until then."

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