Cursed Wedding Ring Found Zip Tied To A Fish Caught In Tournament

Why in the world is there a wedding ring zip-tied to a fish you might ask.... well, the ring is cursed and the previous owner wanted to get rid of it. For 7-weeks this pour fish has been swimming around with this ring on it's tail until Joe Penar caught it during a fishing tournament on Lake Michigan. As you could imagine, he was surprised to find the jewelry attached to the fish. Now we know why it was there. The former owner of the wedding band has been divorced for four years and he decided it was time to let go of the ring. Because his previous relationship ended after many fights revolved around "fishing" the man decided this was the best way to get rid of the ring. Capt. Jason Rose told Chicago Sun Times, “I am a fishing guide; she was always against me following my dreams and hated how much I fished."

Instead of tossing the ring in the lake he decided to zip-tie it to the fish. Capt. Rose said his life has been so much better since getting rid of the ring. Unfortunately things haven't gone so well for the man who caught the fish. He agreed the ring is cursed. He said "Ever since it came on my boat, I've had problems with my engine controls, the switch to raise the helm floor to get at the engines broke and the hose at my dock burst." I feel bad for the next person who stumbles across this ring. And can we all agree... that was a horrible thing to do to the fish. It broke my heart when I saw that. Poor fishy.

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