Fight breaks out at an intersection in Mebane

Before you click on this video, I gotta warn you... this is definitely NSFW!!!! There is language in here that your boss may not approve of!!!

But now that that's out of the way, I gotta say... watching this sorta made my day! And it's not that I'm a violent person... I don't like MMA or boxing or violent movies or anything like that... it's just that this is really kind of funny! And I don't know if it's funny because you don't normally see fist fights at traffic lights, maybe it's Grandma getting in on the action, and I'm POSITIVE that the commentary had something to do with it! But nonetheless, let's just consider this a gift from the internet Gods, the fine folks of Mebane, North Carolina, and Twitter user @_teebombb_

All kidding aside, I hope nobody was hurt.

But... this...

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