Ohio weatherman goes off!

I am a native Ohioan and woke up this morning to see several social media posts about bad weather last night sweeping through Ohio. The first thing I did was text my mom, who is just north of Columbus. I wanted to make sure she was OK, and thank goodness, she is just fine! She said that she heard tornado sirens, but she kept an eye on the situation and thankfully, she was never in any actual danger. Unfortunately, people to the west and southwest of her were not so lucky. Several spots in the Dayton area were hit hard with tornadoes.

It is the job of the weathermen and women on TV to keep viewers safe during severe weather outbreaks, and every time severe weather occurs, there are always people complaining on social media or calling TV stations about their programs being interrupted. These people need to understand that the weather folk are just doing their job and that most TV stations cover very large areas. Meteorologists don't break into programming for the heck of it! They break in because someone somewhere in their viewing area is in danger. THEY ARE SAVING LIVES!!!

So it's understandable that this weatherman in Dayton got a little impatient last night. Dayton was dealing with horrific weather and he was dealing with complainers. Good for this guy!

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