Message-in-a-Bottle Tossed off the Shores of Oak Island Found 8-yrs Later

Photo Credit: Matt Littleton FB

Within two weeks of a message-in-a-bottle found 3500 miles away in Ireland, another message-in-a-bottle sent from North Carolina is found, this time not quite so far away.

Matt Littleton of Swansboro, NC and the crew working on the Coastal Clean Up Project found the most recent message-in-a-bottle washed ashore beside the Emerald Isle Bridge. Matt shared a Facebook post hoping to find the person who put the note in the bottle.

The enclosed note stated that the bottle was tossed in the waters off Oak Island back in 2011 by a girl named Elizabeth and her mother Stacy from Goldsboro.

Within hours of the Facebook post, Stacy Ann Champion contacted the Goldsboro Daily News excited to know that her daughters efforts were fruitful, even if it took eight years for the note and bottle to be discovered. Emerald Isle is about 90 miles from Oak Island.

The message-in-the-bottle found in Ireland two weeks ago, took a total of 15 months from release date in North Carolina to reach the Irish shores. A 9-year-old put her note in the bottle as part of a class project, which was found by a grandmother walking the beach in Ireland.

Photo Credit: Matt Littleton Facebook

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