Taylor Swift shares 30 lessons she learned before turning 30 with Elle

Taylor Swift has always been known for her love of the number 13, but this year, there is a different number associated with Taylor: 30. On December 13th, Taylor will turn 30 years old.

In the April issue of Elle magazine, set to hit newsstands on March 26th, Taylor penned an article called "30 Things I Learned Before Turning 30." The article is quite insightful, too! She learned how to "block the noise," being sweet all the time gets you in trouble, trying and failing is normal, how to make easy cocktails, and lots of other lessons, including my favorite..." I learned to stop hating every ounce of fat on my body."

The article is great. Here is a link. It's a perfect article to read on this International Women's Day, as Taylor CERTAINLY is a trailblazing woman!!

The cover is also great, as Elle tweeted out the photo by Ben Hassett.

Yep.. March 26th can't get here soon enough!

In the meantime, watch for Taylor to accept the Tour of the Year award Thursday night at our iHeartRadio Music Awards, which you can watch at 8pm on Fox.

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