Watch Cardinal Visit Two Sisters Who Recently Lost Their Mom

There's an old saying that says 'if a Cardinal appears an angel is near.' Watch this breath taking moment a Cardinal visits two sisters who recently lost their mother. The two had asked their Mom to send them a sign once she was in heaven and they specifically prayed that it involve a Cardinal.

They shared this video on Facebook with the caption: " THIS IS A MIRACLE! 🙌🏼

This is amazing- so as many know my husband’s grandmother Dorothy Booth passed into glory two weeks ago.. (she was 97)

For the past few years my mother-in-law Debbie and her sister Jeanne have talked to Grandma and on several occasions asked her (when it was her time to leave this world) send them a sign once she was in heaven, and they specifically asked that a cardinal would be involved. Aunt Jeanne also prayed that the Lord would do it in such a way that they would never have thought of. Well, God answered that prayer yesterday, (the day after grandmas memorial service, and hours after they had been talking about that very prayer) while they were playing grandmas favorite card game, “Canasta”!!!

They heard something at the kitchen window and my father-in-law Brian went out to check. A cardinal was there and he was able to bring it inside. For 10 min they held and pet it, then they decided to go outside to release it. Following is a short video clip of this amazing experience and what happens next! (The bird flew away 10 min later) You must watch!!

Our God is so faithful!"

Grab your tissues, you'll need them! 😭❤️🙌🏼

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