You Have Less Than 30 Seconds To Make a Good First Impression

Are you visiting your significant other's family for the first time this Christmas? The time between meeting someone new and them deciding if they are like you or not is very short. According to a survey, 27 seconds is all you've got to make a good first impression. We want you to pass the test so we've listed some helpful hints. 

SMILE!!!! When you smile you seem approachable and friendly. It also shows that you're happy to be there! 

Make eye contact. This one is hard if you're feeling unsure but whatever it takes look those "possibly future in laws) in the eye. It shows confidence and we love confidence. 

Listen!! You most likely will hear tons of stories. Some may not be as interesting as you'd like but whatever it takes.... don't tune them out! Listen and respond so it seems like you care. 

Dress nice!! This is one of the most important rules. Dress to impress the parents... you can change later if you'd like. 

Always be thankful when you leave and make sure to tell everyone bye (It was nice to meet you) 

And whatever you do.... don't think about the 27 second rule when you show up! lol 

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