Accidentally Sharing A Toothbrush ?!>!>@#>!

The grossest thing happened to me Sunday Morning.  I was running late for church, my 3 month old was screaming to the top of his lungs and with all the chaos, I grabbed the wrong toothbrush.  I noticed the bristles didn't feel as strong as I'm used to but I continued to brush.  It wasn't until 5 minutes later when my husband was brushing HIS teeth, did I realize I accidentally used his toothbrush to brush my teeth. DISGUSTING!!!

Yes, he is my husband. Yes, we kiss BUT when you brush your teeth you are scrapping tarter off of your teeth and that's one thing I'd rather not share with my husband.  Would you just rinse the toothbrush off and continue to use it or throw it in the garbage and buy a new toothbrush? 

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