Kyle Busch is GREAT to his fans

OK, I admit it...I used to not like Kyle Busch, solely because of the way he acted.  And the irony is not lost on me, considering that I was a HUGE Tony Stewart fan from day one :)

But over the last few years, Kyle has won me over simply because of the way he treats his fans.  I was in the garage area at Martinsville a while back and saw a kid decked head to toe in M&Ms clothes.  Kyle saw the kid too, and walked out of his way to go high five the kid and sign his shirt.  You should've seen that kid light up!

And I can't forget seeing a story a few years back about a Kyle Busch fan in Alabama.  The teen was mentally handicapped and a beautiful girl at school asked him to prom.  Kyle sent a replica of his car to drive the couple to and from prom, and a few weeks later, they were Kyle's special guests at Talladega.  I happened to be at that Dega race, saw the teen with the biggest smile standing in front of Kyle's car with Kyle during pre-race ceremonies on pit road, and couldn't help but get a bit choked up.  It was very special.

And, of course, there was Kyle sitting in traffic leaving Martinsville last year or the year before and spotting a fan in the next car over.  He yelled to her and signed her hat.

And you know what?  THAT'S what it's all about.  Kyle is there to win, so when things don't go his way, it's not fair to immediately shove a microphone and camera in his face.  The reporters KNOW he's passionate, KNOW they are going to get a hot sound bite off of him, and KNOW that fans will react, for worse or for better.  That's why they do it, and unfortunately, Kyle has been judged off of those sounds bites more often than not.

But this fan-loving Kyle...THIS is the Kyle Busch that we should judge... the one that spots his fans and goes out of his way for them.  The Kyle in this video below.  Not long after winning at Texas, Kyle and his wife Samantha drove through an In-N-Out, and Kyle spotted a fan.  He asked for a hat, signed it, and the fan got that hat.

And THAT'S what it's all about.  Good for you, Kyle.  Good for you!

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